You will need blue shorts or a skirt. Be creative and use something you already have. They do not have to be as short as the real Wonder Woman costume). Boy-cut bottoms work really well, as well as anything of the daisy duke persuasion. For the white stars on her short you can cut out start from white felt or even cardboard. Use fabric or double-sided tape to stick on your stars. For the top part of the body suit you can use a red tube top or bustier. If you don't have any, a fitted sleeveless shirt will do. Tuck your red shirt into the shorts.

The important part of the Wonder Woman jumpsuit top is the gold accents. This will be the most difficult to pull off. You can buy gold fabric and cut out a deep v design to place along your chest. Again you can use fabric tape. You will need a sturdy plastic like fabric which may be a bit harder to find. Of course since this is last minute you have other easier alternatives. Gold foil or lightweight poster paper can be found at a dollar or craft store. Cut out the v and make a belt that connects to your chest piece.

You can use this paper for the Wonder Woman cuffs on each hand. The harder poster paper is the perfect material to make the crown since it is bendable but sturdy. Cut out a long rectangle that points at the top. Afterward affix a red star in the middle. The tricky part is how to keep this band on your head. If you find an elastic band, you can paste the elastic to both sides of the crown in order to make sure it stays secure on your head.
If you have a pair of red boots lying around than you are lucky indeed, but if you are like me red boots aren't really your thing. Of course this shouldn't prevent you from being Wonder Woman, you just need to think outside the box. Try using red stockings or knee high socks. Pull the socks over over ballet flats so you aren't walking around completely barefoot.
Use the extra felt you have left over from the white stars in order to make the stripes on the boot. Cut out two long white stripes with a point at the top. These will go on the front part of your boots all the way down to the toes. The pointed part of the white felt should be at the top. Next cut out two smaller pieces of white felt long enough to fit around your calf. Connect these stripes underneath the pointed white stripe at the top of your boots or stockings.

Awesome article. I came across looking for more costume ideas. We have put together on one website all of the Wonder Woman Costumes and accessories from around the internet. Your subscribers can find everything they need at http://www.womenssuperherocostumes.com/wonder-woman-costume.